The two Charlotte's have been inseparable since meeting in their final year of primary school and have since been on many advetures together.
Alex Tonge - Best Man
Alex is Matt's oldest friend. Alex is a professional groaker (one who looks at someone that is eating in the hope that they'll give you some food). Ask us for one of his many "quotes".
Georgina Munns - Bridesmaid
Georgina, aka. Nina, is Charlie's baby sister and is so bad at organising she has lived in Australia for 7 years and is STILL not a citizen.
Liam Wheelan - Groomsman
Liam is a great friend to Matt & Charlie. If the dance floor is feeling sticky, it is probably Liam throwing away his drinks on the sly.
Leah Crewdson - Bridesmaid
Leah is Matt's baby sister. She absolutely loves being reminded that she 4ft 11 and just slightly taller than Danny DeVito.
Matthew Gartside - Groomsman
Matthew, aka. Garty (there's a few Matthews here) has been friends with Matt since they were 5 years old. If Cotton Eye Joe comes on, you'll definitely see him up dancing. Terrified of daddy long legs.