Deadline to RSVP 19/04/2025

Charlotte & Matthew

Saturday, July 19, 2025 • Manchester, UK
127 Days To Go!

Deadline to RSVP 19/04/2025

Charlotte & Matthew

Saturday, July 19, 2025 • Manchester, UK
127 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Charlotte Scanlon
Charlotte Scanlon - Maid of Honour
The two Charlotte's have been inseparable since meeting in their final year of primary school and have since been on many advetures together.
Alex Tonge
Alex Tonge - Best Man
Alex is Matt's oldest friend. Alex is a professional groaker (one who looks at someone that is eating in the hope that they'll give you some food). Ask us for one of his many "quotes".
Georgina Munns
Georgina Munns - Bridesmaid
Georgina, aka. Nina, is Charlie's baby sister and is so bad at organising she has lived in Australia for 7 years and is STILL not a citizen.
Liam Wheelan
Liam Wheelan - Groomsman
Liam is a great friend to Matt & Charlie. If the dance floor is feeling sticky, it is probably Liam throwing away his drinks on the sly.
Leah Crewdson
Leah Crewdson - Bridesmaid
Leah is Matt's baby sister. She absolutely loves being reminded that she 4ft 11 and just slightly taller than Danny DeVito.
Matthew Gartside
Matthew Gartside - Groomsman
Matthew, aka. Garty (there's a few Matthews here) has been friends with Matt since they were 5 years old. If Cotton Eye Joe comes on, you'll definitely see him up dancing. Terrified of daddy long legs.